CocoonJS gamepad support - Ouya button hold issues

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Includes 11min video guide. Hold an input button to "fill" up a text object and safely skip cutscenes without annoyances
  • I am trying to implement the gamepad using CocoonJS for Ouya. It mostly works, but there is an issue where a button press and hold is triggering a button press over and over. This does not happen with any other exports (ie web browser, etc). Only on Ouya.

    Ashley, when I contacted Ludei they make it sound like it is possibly an issue on Scirra's side. I don't see why that would be, but they said their implementation of the gamepad is standard. But, their costumer service leaves a lot to be desired, so they could just be brushing me off. :/

    Can you think of any reason why 'On Button Pressed' would cause the button to think it is repeatedly being pressed? Do you think this is something on Ludei's side? As far as I can tell, it is impossible to get a button to think it is being pressed and held using the gamepad on Ouya. This is actually effecting the platform jump controls in my game, as it is impossible to do a 'full jump'.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Zharzew

    You need to use 'Is Button Down'

    'On Button Pressed' is the same like 'On Touched' for touch events. It won't stop running until you let go of the button. 'Is Button Down' is more for like keypresses..

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  • Are you sure you got that right.

    On Touched will only trigger once

    Is Touching will trigger every tick

    On Pressed should only trigger once between a down and up.

    Where as Is Down will trigger every tick.

    As for Ouya I can't say what they are doing. Is it stanadard. i don't know, but I know Ouya controller has some odd quircks that aren't standard.


    can we see a sample capx of the problem.

  • Are you sure you got that right.

    On Touched will only trigger once

    Is Touching will trigger every tick

    On Pressed should only trigger once between a down and up.

    Where as Is Down will trigger every tick.

    As for Ouya I can't say what they are doing. Is it stanadard. i don't know, but I know Ouya controller has some odd quircks that aren't standard.


    can we see a sample capx of the problem.


    Oh yeah you are right.. I got it mixed up once again. I might need to check my own code lol.

  • I'm having the same problem, unfortunately. This comes up with both the Ouya controller and with 360 wireless controllers (via wireless adapter) on the Ouya.

    Edit: Found someone with the same problem on Ludei's forum, so I made a simple test just to prove I'm not crazy.

    Here is the Construct2 file (if you need to check my work):

    Here is the zip file after exported using CocoonJS:

    And here is the debug apk used for Ouya:

  • I can confirm this issue.

  • I'm also having this issue. "Trigger Once" fixed it in one occurrence but it doesn't help with menu navigation. Anyone find a solution?

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