Better Tutorials

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  • Now I'm not certain if I'm in the right place. But with such a topic any place is a good start. I feel that we should raise the awarness of lack of quality tutorials on Scirra's construct. There do exists good, great tutorials, however, they've become buried in mountain of I-Need-This-Medal-So-I'll-Post-A-Crappy-Tutorial garbage. I've found myself spending hours searching for a decent tutorial rather than working on an actual game. Now my words may not carry much merit given my current reputation and skills as a prospective developer, but that shouldn't blind anyone to the matter at hand. There are a number of great sites that provide tutorials for specific software, such as Unity, Unreal Engine, Photoshop, and more. These sites are many, some better known than others (Digitutorial, I just continue to hope that one day these sites will include Construct amongst their libraries of tutorials one day.

  • Well starting with reading the manual and Ashley's tutorials is a good start and almost "all" you need to use C2.

    Then, when you find a good tutorial by a user, check its profile page to get a list of more of his/her tutorials.

    There are already external websites proposing tutorials about C2 (GameDev TutsPlus for example).

  • There is a very good Udemy course called "Learn to make HTML 5, Facebook, Chrome Store games and more!" which has 31 hours of online video and about 1/2 to 2/3's of it is focused on Construct 2.

    Here's URL:

    There are other, shorter C2 courses on Udemy also.

  • Here's another splendid - and free - C2 tutorial resource, with dozens of tutorials on C2 from one guy - Constuct Dude, on Youtube:

    Also, check out books on C2 in - a new one came out in April.

  • I definitely downloaded most of Construct Dude's tutorials both before and after he took down most of his videos. I just feel that Construct as an engine should continue to grow and become more accessible.

  • I have a few available as well (check sig), and Udemy is also handing out big discount coupons.

    Would be nice if there was some kind of clean up on the tutorials though, I understand your point about the "post a tutorial to get a badge" issue.

  • Yup, that would be great. It would make the engine the much more official.

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  • I would love to see a good tutorial on implementing Facebook login for leaderboards/friends on mobile. I cant for the life of me find a good one and just gets buggier by the day. Maybe ArcadeEd can make another awesome tutorial with these in mind

    - I would like to thank you for your contribution to these forums. Your tutorials have helped me greatly thus far and i am currently using 3 of your tutorials in my game that i simply would have given up on if not for your help. I hope you realize how important your help has been to some people

  • METR1C Thank you, it's good thing to hear. Even though I have made the jump to Unity for new projects, I am still using C2 for my HTML5 projects that pay the bills while the bigger game gets done . I'll try to make time to do more tutorials.

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