what is the app id in xdk??

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The internet is bombarded daily with new apps (app is the short term for application)
  • Can anyone tell me what i should I put for the "App ID" in XDK?

  • com.jroberts101.mygreatapp

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  • It usually a reverse domain. It is used to identify the folder whitch will hold the files of your application. It can be anything basically. The usual method is to start with "com", then followed by either the creator or the company name, then at the end there is the product name. See codah 's post for example.

  • On android what should the "Credit card statement" be?

  • Can you post a screenshot?

  • You're not giving much info. Is that during the Google sign up process? What does the mouse roll-over ('?') say? I'm guessing it's the name on your credit card but I'm not sure as it's worded differently (it says 'statement').

  • When I hover over the question mark it says "This text will be appended to "Google*" and appear on your buyers' credit card statements."

    So is that what I call the company or the name of the app?

  • Just put whatever you want, so that you recognise on your bank statement that this is a huge payment from google from your app

  • codah this is the name that will appear on the people who buy your app credit card statements. you can put whatever you want it to be so that they will recognize where the charge came from. So app name or Company name will work. I recommend if your going to do more then one app make it the Company name or and abbreviation. you can also change this name later through google wallet

  • codah this is the name that will appear on the people who buy your app credit card statements. you can put whatever you want it to be so that they will recognize where the charge came from. So app name or Company name will work. I recommend if your going to do more then one app make it the Company name or and abbreviation. you can also change this name later through google wallet

    oh ok I had it wrong way around

  • JRoberts101 I recommend to put your company (and that is in many cases your personal) name there. You could get some problems if this is not a clear statement. This term will show up on invoices. In Germany e.g. you have to show your personal name as a freelancer/individual person (if not registered as a public company). This might be different on what country you are located in. In case you want to sell it worldewide I would take the most correct statement. If you put your personal name like it shows up on your ID you should be fine. I know developers like to hide it but as long as you sell apps or monetize through ads it is commercial/business ground and that requires correct names. This post is not a legal advice. You should ask a local tax consultant if you need to be sure on that.

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