APK vs exported package with the Amazon apps plugin

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From the Asset Store
Background Story generation templates. See the Arcade demo.
  • I wonder what's the advantage to export the game with Amazon Apps plugin instead of publish the same apk that was produced for the Play Store.

    By the way: is it possible to use Amazon Mobile Ads with C2 and it's a good monetization option?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi I hope I'm not bothering you with this trivial matter, but as I saw that you organized the Amazon Apps challenge, I wonder if you can help me with this issue.

  • Sorry to insist, but no one has any experience with this issue? I believe this is an important issue, since Scirra mobilized itself to create a challenge, I believe, in order to increase the range of games on Amazon.

  • i believe the reason no one has replied is really it depends on your project you should try testing it yourself. i found on most my projects the amazon apps apk was worse then the crosswalk apk i already had and it also just easier to only have one apk to build. but really you just need to test your project and see. i have one game i had to use the amazon export as it performed better.

  • Hi volkiller730

    Thanks for the answer. I'll try to publish a game to test it.

    Do you know if Admob will work with I export the game with Amazon Apps plugin? If not, can I use the Mobile Ads with C2?

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  • i dont believe so. but it works if you use the cordova export and upload that

  • Monetizing when publishing via the Amazon Appstore export has been confusing for me as well. I haven't found a way to incorporate ads using the Amazon export. Has anyone else?

  • It's the same quest I have. I receive a message from Amazon about Amazon Mobile Ads. They have several plugin, including for Cordova. (https://developer.amazon.com/public/sol ... rm/cordova). I really want to test something different than Admob. Unfortunately, I need help of the great minds.

    I think it would be most interesting make tutorials about this subject rather than just encourage publications in the Amazon to earn vouchers (not that it is bad :!)). In my opinion: it would be most encouraging.

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