loader layouts are not useful for android apps it seems
It is very useful for large projects and especially apps with assets that are more than a single spritesheet or those apps with custom initializations.
> this should answer all your questions.
> loader layouts are not useful for android apps it seems
> you can put a custom picture on the progress bar though.
> and once loaded you can have all the fancy splashes that you want.
Why would i want a splash after the game is loaded, i was asking about the "Splash" example : Cocoon splash! that is shown just when the game is launched, i dont know why everyone is confusing it with loader layout i am being very clear about the splash at the launch of the game... i want to animate that!
Because you clearly don't know yet what you are talking about. He clearly was trying to explain to you the solution without telling you that you didn't make any sense! That's how most of us do it here. If you don't want the usual way, I'll be happy to be frank to you.
The Custom Loader Layout, is a layout that is specially designed to make Splash Screens that are animated, single image, transitioned or etc. To have a presentable loading screen on initial application startup while the game is still loading the assets and developer's custom preload.
This is what you are looking for. The Custom Loader Layout.
Although if you want to animate a native SplashScreen instead, by overriding Construct 2 / Construct 3's Custom Loader Layout, a.k.a SplashScreen, and a.k.a Animated SplashScreen.
You will need the Cordova plugin cordova-plugin-splashscreen, which I guess you don't fully know yet since you are asking this question, and someone who would know would already realize this in the first place.
But this one (Native Splashscreen), can't be animated as Cocoon's SplashScreen can't be animated.
The reason is that, Animated SplashScreens need to know what they have to do. Hence, they need to load the script.
This cordova plugin cordova-plugin-animated-splashscreen, does the same thing as what Construct does with custom loader layouts.
Using the script from the c2runtime defined by the data.js, only that Construct loads it all at the same time.
You don't need to look for another when you already have one, built-in the runtime. And the script loading time is merely a single tick.
I hope that clarifies things. Good luck and have a nice day!