AirConsole Game Dev Contest 2017

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Easily generate many levels from a set of pre-built scenes (Construct 3 template)
  • You should contact airconsole for that, on

    will do, thanks. I mistook you as a AirConsole rep based on your support. They should hire you

  • No, I'm not affiliated to them, but there's not really support here at scirra, but users... They are more active on other channels like reddit or stackoverflow. I've asked them to be an ambassador but got no reply. I help because the most of the plugin is made by me

  • No, I'm not affiliated to them, but there's not really support here at scirra, but users... They are more active on other channels like reddit or stackoverflow. I've asked them to be an ambassador but got no reply. I help because the most of the plugin is made by me

    you did most of the plugin work? a big thanks to you! I was up late last night learning how to use it. great work!

  • Yeah, I did the updates plugin version 1.3... But the idea is so cool I gladly do that and propose my pull requests. But I must admit I'm working on my own plugin, a version 2 so to say, that makes it easier and gets rid of the deprecated stuffs. Glad you like it!

  • I have not seen this posted yet, but has anyone had any issue with "OnDeviceJoin" failing to trigger sometimes?

    I have not tested this in real world scenario, only the simulator.

    I took the pong example, added a browser.log and simply put "Device joined" in the trigger event. If I add, say 5 devices, at random only some of them process this trigger. Maybe device 3 and 4 don't show the browser log, but 5 does.


    Edit: Interestingly enough, if I check the connected device IDs, the missing ones (the ones construct did not get the handshake or the device join trigger for) are listed. If I reconnect that device, it will sometimes connect.

    Looks like I can get away with hacking away at the code, but it is not as clean as simply using the deviceJoin trigger.

    Edit Edit: Psychokiller1888 some interesting stuff here. I added onConnect to your plugin, to try and debug my issue above. I am not able to get a device to connect everytime, but what is weird is why the handshake is sometimes failing. Through debugging it would appear that the controller sends the handshake (or atleast tries to), but the screen never gets it. When this happens, the onConnect saves the day (on a high level, I am using both Device Join trigger, and a trigger I made for OnConnect, in order to solve the issue at the moment).

    I don't know why or how this is possible, I am hoping it does not mess up the actual messaging beyond the handshake. I am too tired to go further at the moment, I will try again tomorrow (it would appear, messages are fine, just the initial handshake has trouble sometimes).

    Tip for anyone starting out, add a version tracking number on the screen, so you know if your cache cleared or not.

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  • +1000 for the cache issue. Better yet try in private mode. Device join does fail on simulator, I reported that looong ago to airconsole... There are different hacks possible to overcome that and I like your onConnect idea, but then again, once uploaded it won't fail anymore. Same for the simulator connect/disconnect buttons, they do what they want, not what you expect. Then, the simulator highly depends on the browser, I had 0 chance running it on edge, works 50% on chrome....

    I'd say that in the actual state I won't try to debug that, imo the problem lies on the simulator. I should make my new plugin public in about 2 weeks and we'll see then... The new one cleans the mess with message key and stuff per Exemple. I should meet with airconsole on Feb 26th, I'll have a word concerning that issue

  • +1000 for the cache issue. Better yet try in private mode. Device join does fail on simulator, I reported that looong ago to airconsole... There are different hacks possible to overcome that and I like your onConnect idea, but then again, once uploaded it won't fail anymore. Same for the simulator connect/disconnect buttons, they do what they want, not what you expect. Then, the simulator highly depends on the browser, I had 0 chance running it on edge, works 50% on chrome....

    I'd say that in the actual state I won't try to debug that, imo the problem lies on the simulator. I should make my new plugin public in about 2 weeks and we'll see then... The new one cleans the mess with message key and stuff per Exemple. I should meet with airconsole on Feb 26th, I'll have a word concerning that issue

    Interesting. Good to know, I won't worry about it for now. It would be good if there was a way to upload a "beta" version of the game to test it for real (without the simulator). Well...maybe there is and i am not aware of it.

    When I looked at the testing page, all I found was using the simulator, so I assumed simulator is the only real way except for uploading for real to the airconsole store.

    So far, pretty slick. I am loving it.

    EDIT: I reached out, apparently you can test your app live at I will try this to see if the connection issue goes away.

  • Yes you can upload your game without publishing it

  • Yes you can upload your game without publishing it

    Psychokiller1888 hi there, I just confirmed, even when testing on the page, you can still get the handshake issue

    i have not had any messages between the screen and controller drop, only handshake.

  • Out of curiosity, with what device do you try? We have more issues with IOS using their AirConsole app, fewer issues on Android using their same app. I'm going to Ludicious game event today and should meet them, maybe I can discuss a little

  • Out of curiosity, with what device do you try? We have more issues with IOS using their AirConsole app, fewer issues on Android using their same app. I'm going to Ludicious game event today and should meet them, maybe I can discuss a little

    It is hit or miss, but using Android 4 built in browser, the game failed handshake a lot. Using chrome on Android, it connected often. Windows 10, it worked almost every time. I have not played around too too much in terms of handshake - I was really going on the assumption it would work better once uploaded. I can work around it to hopefully make devices always connect (such as the checking onconnect method I mentioned earlier).

    Do you know if it is a construct thing, or it is widespread to full HTML/JS apps too?

  • Will investigate and let you know ASAP

  • No more excuses for not having a cool controller now! The plugin just got my pull request merged, and I have added support for extended messages, making the official controller generator compatible. The generated controller is ready to use with your C2 game. Just update your plugin to at least version

    Psychokiller1888 Hello, does this means that I can use the controller generator? ... oller.html

    Do you have a tutorial for this? Please, let me know.

    Thank you!

  • Yes you can. I don't have a finished tutorial yet, but you catch the controllers input using on message key, loading a c2 dictionary . Look at my expression tutorial

  • Psychokiller1888

    So all I have to do is copy and paste the airconsole controller generator code to controller.html.

    Then add in the C2 event sheet:

    Condition :Airconsole-"On message key is "jump"" ------ Action : "Airconsole.GetMessageProperties"

    And that's it?

    Thanks for the help!

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