access expressions panel missing. ? Alt methods to Display?

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  • Hi there,

    My Objects (ghosted) Expressions Panel Listing is missing!

    When I first started learning C2, the expressions panel for each object would pop up ghosted for whichever object when I went to set an action, which would allow the option to click it to see a list of available expressions. VERY helpful.

    But I dont seem to get this anylonger in my current version of C2

    Is there a settings Im unaware of?

    Ive tried adjusting the refresh rate of my graphics card, and many other things, with no success

    What I would like to know if there is a alternate way to pull this up, without relying on it automatically popping up?

    many thanks in advance


  • You can hide/show this by pressing the f4 button.

  • You can hide/show this by pressing the f4 button.

    THANK YOU very much! You were VERY helpful.

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  • IF i hit F4 comes the Preview of the Project in Browser same with f5.

    How i come to the Expressions panel ?

  • Artworkz: Press F4 when you already have an action entered in, something like "Text: set text" for example, that is the moment the expression panel will hide/display.

    If you press F4 from the layout view, it will indeed preview the project from the layout set as first in your project.

  • Ok thank your very much =)

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