Sound Issue

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  • 9 posts
From the Asset Store
75 explosion sound effects. Essential for many games, Explosions Sounds contains a mix of explosion and impact sounds.
  • Problem Description

    The sound effects do not play right away when touching an object with a sound, untiil it preloads. It won't preload properly, when I set it to.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Set an object to play a sound on the map.
    • Touch the object to trigger the sound on the map. No sound will play.
    • Touch another object with the same sound, the sound will play.


    Touch a crystal. When hearts appear use WASD or mouse to move, your sprite will appear afterwards. it is a bug that I need to fix. ... index.html

    Observed Result

    No sound played on first object.

    CAPX ... dTest.capx

    Expected Result

    Sound plays and preloads correctly, or preloads then plays afterwards.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • Others not tested, the preview wouldn't work for other browsers.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 latest version.

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Problem Description

    The sound effects do not play right away when touching an object with a sound, untiil it preloads. It won't preload properly, when I set it to.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Set an object to play a sound on the map.
    • Touch the object on the map. No sound will play.
    • Touch another object, the sound will play.

    Observed Result

    No sound played on first object.

    Expected Result

    Sound plays and preloads correctly, or preloads then plays afterwards.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • Others not tested, the preview wouldn't work for other browsers.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 latest version.

    Construct 2 Version ID


    You must follow the Beug Report Requirements if you want Ashley to investigate or he will close the report automatically.

    Also, are you sure you are using r223 as that is very old now?

  • I updated the bug report to be version 233. It is a preload problem with the codebase, it doesn't preload the sound when loading the map. I believe it isn't the sound it isn't preloading, something in the code like the 3-D position and some sort of low-level sound engine is not loaded early enough.

    Making a sample CAPX is just setting a sound on an object and touching that said object. Ashley can make this very quickly himself. It isn't something that needs to be demonstrated.

    [EDIT]: Added a sample project hosted on Dropbox.

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  • Closing as per the bug report requirements: we need a minimal .capx, not your exported project. The requirements explain in detail why we are strict about this and why you should never ignore them.

  • Ashley, many users have reported this problem already. I have seen you reply about it before. I just won't use Construct 2, it is too buggy. Anyway I updated the main topic with the CAPX, but it doesn't matter if you fix it or not. Not gonna waste my time using this anymore.

  • Helladen


    So I do see the reported sound issue on browser first opening only in Chrome and FF, but not in Edge or IE, so it is browser specific. The same defect is in NW.js as expected. A very noticeable frame rate drop is seen on my device (Surface pro 3, i7 + Win 10) with the first trigger event that doesn't play sound and this is associated with the inspector estimating very heavy CPU usage. It does appear to be an issue?

  • Yes the sound is not being preloaded (either the 3-D sound system or actual file).

  • This is a Chrome bug which has been fixed:

    I can confirm it reproduces in Chrome 52 (stable) but works fine on Canary (55), so Google have already fixed this and you just need to wait for the update to reach stable.

  • This still happens in Chrome 53.

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