[Solved]Construct 2 lagging hard

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  • Construct 2 is lagging hard and I don't know why. It have been like that in a while, like months, but I wasnt doing anything with the program until now. The funny thing is that It wasnt like this and now this is incredibly annoying to work with... And I mean seriously, everything that I do in construct 2 have an 1s delay. So fu**ing annoying.

    Plz give me some help.

    And before someoen says about my computer, it's way more than enough to run it.

    Thank you.

  • How is anyone meant to help when you give absolutely no information to go on.

    What is your setup?

    What version of C2 are you using?

    Have you tried the latest beta -r189?

    When did the lagging start?

    Does it start immediately on launch or when opening/running a project?

    Does it happen with every project?

    A little less ranting and a bit more info will help others to try and help you.

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  • Hi

    Have you tried with a VERY minimal project?

    If it still lags with that, have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling?

    What else are you running in the background?

    Are you up-to-date with virus checks?

  • Hi

    Have you tried with a VERY minimal project?

    If it still lags with that, have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling?

    What else are you running in the background?

    Are you up-to-date with virus checks?

    Yes. The project that I'm running is very minimal. I also have my avast up-to-date and it's the paid version.

    In the background I generally use nothing more than my photoshop and chrome. I know that it's not about my setup ( Intel core i7 3.40ghz, 8GB memory ram, GTX 760 2gb - more or less CUDA 980)

    I didn't reinstall yet though. I'll try it.

    Edit: The lag starts when I have no project loaded.

  • Hi Kossglobal.

    Here are the few things I'd recommend:

    • Avast has an on-the-run analysis feature which scans running programs, perhaps it's scanning Construct 2 continuously and causes the "lag"
    • While running Construct 2, hit Ctrl+Shift+Escape then give a look at the performances and if the status of the green bars, then look at the processes, their CPU and memory consumption. See if anything seems weird in there. By the way, on a "healthy" and well maintained system, you shouldn't have more than 25-30 lines in there. If you have much more, you might also want to check out your startup programs with a tool such as Ccleaner of Spybot.
    • Uninstall / Reinstall Construct 2.
  • Sound advice Let us know how you get on

  • Thanks and sorry to disturb everyone. The problem was that I had no space in my driver where construct 2 is installed. That happened because I recorded some gameplays without noticing, which has hundreds of gigabytes lol

  • No problem! Good to hear you found an answer.

  • Closing as not a bug. Please remember to always follow the bug report guidelines as well, we would have closed this without investigation anyway since it does not provide any of the information we need.

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