r84, go to layout2 doesnt work

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  • Have 3 layouts

    In event sheet1, at end of layout -> Go to layout2

    In event sheet2, at end of layout -> Go to layout3,

    Sadly, after layout1 ends it does nothing.

    Even in preview mode, if you run layout2 it will run properly, but it wont go to layout3

    Anyone facing this similar.

  • 'At end of layout' only triggers when you've done another 'go to layout' action. So which layout are you hoping it will go to? Can you share your .capx as well?

  • have you checked that, what is supposed to be making your first layout end in the first place, is working?

    it might not be triggering because the game doesn't know what event is supposed to tell it that the layout has ended.

    instead of using the 'at end of layout' condition, try triggering by something else. maybe a sprite colliding against another sprite and when it does, telling it to go to the layout you want. that's how I'm doing it in my games. I put an invisible sensor sprite at the end of my levels so:

    Player on collision with another object = sensorSprite --> Go to layout "level2"

  • Ashley

    'At end of layout' only triggers when you've done another 'go to layout' action. So which layout are you hoping it will go to? Can you share your .capx as well?

    I have done go to layout by name and also by selecting the layout, and the same thing works in r80 I have installed on my desktop, but didn't on r84.

  • No capx, no way to see what's going wrong.

    You're the only one to report such a problem, I'd think it is an issue on your end (a wrong c2 installation, graphic card drivers/browsers which are not up to date, Go to "Layout2" when the layout is actualy called "Layout 2",...)

    Who knows ? ^^

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  • I have done go to layout by name and also by selecting the layout, and the same thing works in r80 I have installed on my desktop, but didn't on r84.

    I think you're missing my point. 'End of layout' only triggers when you're already going to another layout. So what are you expecting to happen?

  • No, nothing like that.

    I just reinstalled r84 again and it works.

    No changes made.


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