Project file for animation frame

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From the Asset Store
Selection frame like in RTS games, works both on mobile and desktop devices.
  • Using r65

    I'm using the Exp_type_A.png sprite from the -Space- sprites for an explosion anim which worked fine, I saved and then loaded my project and got this error:


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Cannot find project file for animation frame

    Condition: FileExists(GetProjectPath().c_str())

    File: Projects\AnimationFrame.cpp

    Line: 188

    Function: void __thiscall AnimationFrame::Load(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &)

    Build: release 65 (32-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 3)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.

    After which I received the following error:


    Failed to load texture


    Error loading texture 'C:\Users\Nicky\AppData\Local\Temp\capE6XY5O\Animations\Spinna\Default\000.png': Failed to read image file data

    This may indicate a corrupt PNG file in the project directory. The image will not be able to be displayed in the editor.

  • You can confirm the sprites are where they say they are? Perhaps try copying them to another folder, then adding them back in manually.

  • Nickydude: As usual, please post a .capx with your report bug to see if we can replicate.

  • With errors where a project file goes missing, the project isn't actually particularly useful. I look at it and yes, it's just an ordinary project with a file missing, which doesn't tell me any more info. We really need to know what you were doing just before this happened to be able to fix it, if you can remember. Also, if you can reproduce it and provide a working .capx with a number of steps to break it, that's incredibly useful. From that usually we can immediately fix the bug, but without it we are left guessing and struggling.

    Activities involving renaming, deleting or creating new things are most likely to trigger this. If an animation frame goes missing, it's most likely from renaming, deleting or creating animation frames or animations.

    You might also be able to ignore any error messages, find the empty frame and manually add an image in to fix it, but we'd prefer to have this fixed so it never happens again!

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  • I believe this is the same problem i got

    I dont really want to lead to ways as i dont quite remember how it happened to me, but i remember i was simply working on project file, i first add all sprites,then events with actions,then while writing notes i also rename the sprites. After that all i saved the project as single file. By reopening it i got familiar error message but i didnt try to rectreate it to comfirm that these steps cause is.

    With those hours i spend, i try to get the game work, not find out how the errors sudenly show up, sorry ^^;

  • Miu3

    If you unzip the .capx, you'll notice that the filename you gave it is corrupt, i.e. you typed a semi-colon instead of the letter 'l', like so:

    "p;atform mess"

    Maybe that is what caused it to bomb?

  • Miu3

    If you unzip the .capx, you'll notice that the filename you gave it is corrupt, i.e. you typed a semi-colon instead of the letter 'l', like so:

    "p;atform mess"

    Maybe that is what caused it to bomb?

    I doupt that, i didnt close my original work when i saved the single file and reopened it.

    The file i continued working on has also "p;atform mess" and works perfectly fine

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