PHP -> Construct 2 ERROR

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  • Hello guys, im trying to create a game and all connect with php -> Mysql;


    I have a PHP that catch information about character in mysql

    and i have another php that catch information of Monters in mysql.

    and when i did this, the construct just load one php per time, and dont reload another.


    what i need to do? Create a loading layout?


  • matheusben

    Hello guys, im trying to create a game and all connect with php -> Mysql;


    I have a PHP that catch information about character in mysql

    and i have another php that catch information of Monters in mysql.

    and when i did this, the construct just load one php per time, and dont reload another.

    what i need to do? Create a loading layout?


    Your post follows none of the Bug Reporting Requirements and as such, will be closed automatically by Ashley.

    If this is just a query, then this is entirely the wrong section as this is for bugs in the actual C2 program, and you should then post your query in the 'How Do I' section.

    If you really do think you have found a bug, then please ensure to follow the reporting requirements fully.

  • It's a wrong section. Post it to "How do I".. .and you definitely have to show some more info. How do you call PHP in C2? How do you return data to C2? is it a plain text or JSON (keep in mind JSON structure for C2 is a bit different)? Just describe the problem somehow that we could understand what is going on. Right now you just wrote almost something like "it doesn't work - here is the blank screen".

  • In load character im calling like this:

    example of output in PHP:


    And in monters is like this:

    Example of output:


  • matheusben

    Why have you ignored my post?

    Your second post also doesn't follow the guidelines.

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  • Closing as not a bug.

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