When I fill a plain circle with other color why the
filling process left a line in the border like
the design software is good but also not if not
can choose if I like full fill a object or only
Please see how to report bugs. I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. Can you tell us what you are doing step-by-step, what you see happen, and what you expect to happen?
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1. Before , 2. Whats Happend, 3. Whats I like to happend
Sorry by my bad English
<img src="http://www.autoescuela3d.com/c2/fillc2.jpg" border="0" />
It appears your ball color is not uniform, there's more than one hue of blue there. The fill works by filling a space till it finds a different color , that's why it doesn't fill everything. The borders are not the same color as center. That's what's probably ocurring. Several ways of solving this. From your side you should use an image without compression, like no JPG's. Or being careful when doing your graphics. From engine side Ashley could implement fill tolerance, so that it treats similar colors by a factor as the same color. But it's better to solve it on your side.
This is not a bug, it is simply how a zero tolerance fill works. I might add tolerance in a future build, hopefully that will help.
Ashley - Can you clarify what the tolerance is? I just noticed that today and I don't quite understand what its purpose is.
It's how far the fill will go over different colors. You might want to start a new thread, since this is a closed bug report.