Extremely annoying audio bug

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  • I spent the last hour narrowing down this bug... extremely annoying.

    Problem Description

    Audio files over 3 minutes in size delay the sound effects from playing

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    I've made the CAPX pretty self explanitory.... essentially you run it, and it'll tell you exactly how to re-produce.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • On startup, play an audio file that's over 3 minutes in length in a loop.
    • While playing, attempt to play a sound effect... the sound effects won't play* *- They eventually play, once you wait the delay period. The delay period varies depending on how far past 3:00 you go. if the length is 3:05, you'll wait 5 seconds... etc. In my demo, I have a 3:30 length music file... so it'll delay for 30 seconds.

    Observed Result

    No sound effects play.

    Expected Result

    Sound effects should play.

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Can someone please acknowledge that I'm not losing my mind? Is everyone out there really only using less than 3 minutes for music in their game in a loop? That seems extremely short to me... perhaps I'm wrong?

  • I know it's annoying.

    But if you add a system.on.layout.start > play.sound.squish it fixes the issue.

    Hope this helps

  • Nitro187 And regardless of what any of us here say, there is a very real chance that you are losing, or may have already lost your mind

  • I know it's annoying.

    But if you add a system.on.layout.start > play.sound.squish it fixes the issue.

    Hope this helps

    I'll give it a shot... thanks. Hopefully this gets fixed soon!

  • Nitro187 And regardless of what any of us here say, there is a very real chance that you are losing, or may have already lost your mind

    hardy har har.

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  • Can't reproduce in Firefox, looks like a Chrome specific issue. You might want to report it to Google. Also this sounds like a previous report we had where it doesn't occur after export, it's only a preview-time limitation.

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