crashes when opening a project

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From the Asset Store
With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • I'm on Windows 8 64-bit with the latest AMD graphics drivers installed.

    • I just downloaded and installed the latest version.
    • No error messages during installation
    • I tried to make a new project, as a project folder. Construct 2 crashes with a generic Windows "Construct 2 game creator has stopped working" message box right after I click on the "Create Project" button. It doesn't show any specific info so I don't really have any technical details to post.
    • I tried to make a new project as a capx file. Same thing happens.
    • I tried to open one of the sample projects. Same thing happens.
    • I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, choosing 32-bit manually. Same thing happens when I try to make a new project.
    • I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, choosing 64-bit manually. Same thing.
    • I even restarted Windows. Same thing.
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yeah it crashes when I try and open my game too (stops responding error message).

    edit: After 2 crashes, it opens fine now? lols

  • Crashes when creating a new project or opening an existing project are always graphics card driver bugs.

    Try double-checking you have the latest version of your drivers. If they really are latest, AMD have screwed you with broken drivers, and you need to complain to them. There's nothing we can do about it ourselves, it's not C2's fault.

  • I had the same problem. Crashed when I opened any project about 4 times, now it works fine.

  • Closing, assuming this is a graphics driver issue.

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