Construct 2 resource hog?

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  • Problem Description

    ____ Hi, I'm following the tutorials in the Level 0 ebook. Right now, I'm making their third game Jumble Art. I've noticed that in task manager, the C2 editor is using up to 800mb of memory, which slows my computer to a crawl. Other members on the forum have tested the game and they found similar issues. Maybe it's probably my computer that is a little outdated, but I'm posting this bug report just to make sure.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    ____ A simple puzzle game where the Mona Lisa painting is split into nine tiles, shuffled, and you have to put them in order

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Adding instance variables to game and animation frames
    • Adding music and sound effects

    Observed Result

    ____ The C2 editor consumes nearly a gig of memory

    Expected Result

    ____The C2 editor requiring less memory to operate the game

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO) Yes
    • FireFox: (YES/NO) Yes
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO) Yes

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 10 Home Premium 64-bit

    ____ Specs:

    Laptop: Compaq Presario CQ57

    CPU: AMD C-50 Processor 1.00 ghz

    GPU: AMD Radeon 6250 HD

    RAM: 2gb

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Construct 2 r227 64-bit Free edition

  • can take 1.5GB +

    Tested on C2 227 paid

    W10 i3-5010U, 4GB Laptop

  • Yes it's a resource hog.

    In that it will eat whatever you feed it.

    A huge background for example. ... our-memory

  • Yes it's a resource hog.

    In that it will eat whatever you feed it.

    A huge background for example. ... our-memory

    Okay, that clears things up. I guess with html5 being relatively new, a lot of developers have to workout the kinks and make sacrifices to maximize performance.

  • It doesn't use that amount of memory for me. The editor with that capx only takes up 150 Mb on my machine according to the task manager. My system was new in 2007. The editor only takes 74 Mb with a blank capx.

    r227 32bit

    Windows Vista sp2 32bit

    cpu: amd turion 64 x2, 1.9 ghz

    graphics: ati radeon x1200

    4 Gb shared memory

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  • Can't reproduce, editor only uses 200mb here with both layouts open. This is pretty tiny compared to today's machines with gigabytes of memory.

  • Can't reproduce, editor only uses 200mb here with both layouts open. This is pretty tiny compared to today's machines with gigabytes of memory.

    Hmmm... Not sure what's going on with how my laptop handles certain tasks. I see that puzzle 1 takes up the most memory when I close the other layouts. Anyway, I'll try making their next game in the ebook. Thanks for the help everyone!

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