Construct 2 license bug

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hey, I'm new to construct 2, when i try open it, it says this and i don't know how to fix it, can someone please help?

    "A license file for construct 2 was found, but there was an error loading it. Construct 2 has reverted to free edition.

    This can occur if the file is damaged, corrupted or otherwise modified in any way."

    I've tried reinstalling it but nothing has worked.

  • Where did you get you license from because you dont have the badge that you get when you buy one here

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  • Probably best to email Scirra directly regarding licensing issues.

  • As zenox98 says: all issues regarding licensing is best sorted by emailing them here

  • "A license file for construct 2 was found, but there was an error loading it. Construct 2 has reverted to free edition.

    This can occur if the file is damaged, corrupted or otherwise modified in any way."

    Lol I googled this and I was brought to sites that distribute pirated C2.

  • > "A license file for construct 2 was found, but there was an error loading it. Construct 2 has reverted to free edition.


    > This can occur if the file is damaged, corrupted or otherwise modified in any way."


    Lol I googled this and I was brought to sites that distribute pirated C2.

    There is a pirated version which license file worked up till a certain version, then scirra changed licensing system. And now that Google chrome has made changes, all those pirated copies are now unusable.

    But sometimes the license file gets corrupt and tom is quick to help if you email him. Had it happen to one of my business licenses, it just kept reverting to free, Tom was super helpful and it got fixed.

  • Closing, please email us for help with licences.

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