Cannot choose specific instances

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  • 6 posts
  • Hello!

    The actions is not only apply to the instances that met the conditions.

    I have problems with creating platformer game, my instances of enemies is react to events all together, but not only those who have conditions for that.


    Here is capx were I want to make turrets green when mouse is located to the right of them and blue for the left location, but in reality they react as one single object. The middle turret is the most problematic.

    Drag mouse from right to left and you will see it.

    The middle turret is still green. But i want to change it's color.

    For one instance on layout it is works perfectly, and not for many.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    173 (64 bit)

  • See attached capx. You're using an Else, so if the first condition is met (i.e. one or more sprites within 90deg of 0) then the second event is not triggered (no change of animation frame).

    Edit: minor wording, and modified a log statement in the capx

  • See attached capx. You're using an Else, so if the first condition is met (i.e. one or more sprites within 90deg of 0) then the second event is not triggered (no change of animation frame).

    Edit: minor wording, and modified a log statement in the capx

    Thank you very much! Is my problem was because of this description that i found in manual: " Else can only follow normal (non-triggered) events."? But i still don't understand what "non-triggered events" means quite well.

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  • I shouldn't have used the word triggered; 'evaluated' might've been a better word. A non-triggered event is like an evaluation of an expression rather than, say, a mouse click 'triggering' an event.

  • I shouldn't have used the word triggered; 'evaluated' might've been a better word. A non-triggered event is like an evaluation of an expression rather than, say, a mouse click 'triggering' an event.

    And again, thank you! It was very informative.

  • Closing as not a bug.

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