ranma: AFAIK WebGL is only supported on two browsers, Opera Mobile and Firefox Mobile. I just tried them both again now with WebGL on. Opera Mobile crashes and closes, and Firefox Mobile runs at 4 fps, which is slower than canvas 2D (which only gets about 8 fps, but still, half as fast). Firefox Mobile also has severe display glitches with WebGL on. Both get by and are playable on canvas 2D, even if the framerates still aren't great. So there's really no point enabling it at all right now, there is no mobile browser that has WebGL support that is remotely useful.
The hardwareAccelerated flag has no effect as far as I'm aware, it's more to do with hardware accelerating OS stuff like button and UI controls. Things like canvas which are software rendered will still be software rendered. So I don't see a reason to play with that flag either.