Audio Problems

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100+ Musical High Quality Sound Effects for your game!
  • Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Play a looping sound (OGG) on Chrome or Internet Explorer.

    2. Stop the looping sound.

    3. Play another looping sound (OGG).

    Observed result:

    Audio is not playing for some browsers. Chrome it is after you stop a looping sound (OGG) then play another instance where Internet Explorer doesn't work at all (don't know if this is a bug or unsupported by them).

    Expected result:

    Play looping audio after another instance of the audio has been stopped.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: Yes

    Firefox: No

    Internet Explorer: Yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1

    Construct 2 version:


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  • Closing, please follow the guidelines and attach a .capx. Note IE does not support .ogg files and will only play .m4a if it is present.

  • I have a audio file link


    I want to give this link reference to audio object and play this audio file from server instead of download in my construct folder file.

    Can you please help my. what should the right way to play audio file from server link without download file and put in local folder.

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