9-patches create visual glitches in editor (no repro)

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This music pack covers differents situations for visual novels, anime games and many more!
  • Problem Description

    When adding 9-patches in a layout, other sprites start disappearing. Restarting C2 fixes the issue, but in some instances the issue is observed after restarting. The game is not affected when pressing play, but it makes it hard to do level design if tiled backgrounds and sprites start to become invisible. Each layout in my game contains around 500-1000 sprites. The issue is observed using different sprites and 9-patches, so it is not a unique scenario. Sprites in the project use animation frames for variety in textures rather than being individual objects. The visual glitches first appeared when I added my first 9-patch in my project, so I am 100% it is them (also they appear in layouts when 9-patches are used). I tried to repro the issue in a new project but I couldn't.

    Attach a Capx

    This is an editor issue and I cant provide a .capx as my project is >150mb

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Couldn't reproduce.

    Observed Result

    Other sprites and tiled background disappear, often affected by screen position and zoom inside the editor (moving the camera often makes them appear again)

    Expected Result

    Nothing disappears from the layout.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID


    As seen above, the textures of the sprites disappear. The moment I delete the 9-patch in view (not seen in picture), they instantly re-appear.

    With 9-patch in view (ice on sign). Some sprites are not showing.

    Without 9-patch in view (shows all sprites)

  • Closing as there is nothing we can do to help without a .capx/steps to reproduce. Please see the bug report guidelines.

  • Ashley I understand. I tried to remove the content so I can narrow down the bug, but it looks like it does no longer show after I remove other layouts, which is strange. I cannot link in public the full project, is there an email I can send the .capx? I will include a repro list too. Thanks

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  • We don't normally accept full projects in bug reports as per the bug report guidelines. You should try to find a way to reproduce it in a new project.

  • We don't normally accept full projects in bug reports as per the bug report guidelines. You should try to find a way to reproduce it in a new project.

    Seems fair. Anyhow, managed to find the issue, repro and narrow it down as much as possible. Made another thread about it, hope this helps:

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