Node-Webkit Mac menu is missing

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From the Asset Store
ready made menu you can download this one or just follow my tutorial to make it yourself
  • Problem Description

    The last several updates have removed the Mac menus of the Node-Webkit exports. This means the only way to quit the application is to click the red gumdrop, toggling fullscreen also requires mouse hunting and the application can't be hidden at all.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    The capx is inconsequential but necessary for bug report submission. Please ignore.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 Export project with the Node-Webkit option selected.
    • Step 2 Run the OS X application generated in step 1.
    • Step 3 Notice there is no menu and therefore shortcut keys don't work either.

    Observed Result

    The last several updates have removed the Mac menus of the Node-Webkit exports. This means the only way to quit the application is to click the red gumdrop, toggling fullscreen also requires mouse hunting and the application can't be hidden at all.

    Expected Result


    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO) No
    • FireFox: (YES/NO) No
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO) No

    Operating System and Service Pack

    OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks)

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • What node-webkit options are you selecting when you export? Does changing them impact the issue at all?

    We made no change for this apart from that on the Construct 2 side - I think it must be a change node-webkit have made in a recent update.

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  • I tried the default export options, all 4 selected, none selected, single options selected and as several combinations thereof before giving up. Changes worth noting are that deselecting window frame hides the gumdrop (as it is part of the window frame) leaving the dock as the only way to quit, and selecting kiosk mode further requires forcing the application into the background via the application switcher or some other such override in order to access the dock in order to quit the application (cumbersome, to say the least.)

    If the solution is out of your hands, (and I can't open my projects in previous releases of C2) would it at least be possible to get a legacy NW plugin as a stopgap measure?

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