[CAPX added] TileMap flickers on movement when zoomed out

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  • UPD : Excuse me for being dumb and sending the .caproj instead of .capx. Has been fixed.

    Problem Description

    When layout is zoomed out, TileMap object renders differently from TileBackground - it's much more flickery and less smooth.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Press SPACE to move.

    On the left there is TileBackground, looking good.

    On the right there is TileMap, looking fiddly.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Zoom out the layout
    • Move the sprite which has a ScrollTo behaviour

    Observed Result

    TileMap looks awful now.

    Expected Result

    TileMap looks as smooth as TileBackground

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • a friend of mine with GTX1070 has also reported bad rendering on far zoomout.

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  • a friend of mine with GTX1070 has also reported bad rendering on far zoomout.

    Same issue here. I see it more on Intel embedded GPUs than nVidia, but it happens on both.

  • Some support at last! I've been trying to get this addressed for a while! Thanks

  • Like I mentioned in another post, on my laptop the flickering is very minor. I have Intel HD 620 GPU.

    I believe it's a hardware/driver issue..

    Have you tried playing with project parameters like Enable WebGL, Sampling, Downscaling etc?

    If I set "Fullscreen scaling=Low quality", then the tilemap flickering becomes much worse.

  • Like I mentioned in another post, on my laptop the flickering is very minor. I have Intel HD 620 GPU.

    I believe it's a hardware/driver issue..

    Have you tried playing with project parameters like Enable WebGL, Sampling, Downscaling etc?

    If I set "Fullscreen scaling=Low quality", then the tilemap flickering becomes much worse.

    I have acknowledged your comments on the issue and yes, there is correlation between graphic settings, hardware on different PCs and the amount of flicker, however it never fully goes away. That is why I submitted is as a bug.

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