[205.2] C2 add event and add action UI bug

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  • Problem Description

    C2 Action and event window bugged after changing windows screen resolution. These are the only menus that are affected all others seems fine. However not sure how to solve it, as I have tried to reinstall C2, reinstall graphic drivers and restart the computer. But the problem is still there and happens in all projects, whether they are completely new and empty or not.

    See screenshots:

    Attach a Capx

    Happens to all projects, so the attached Capx is just completely empty.


    Description of Capx

    Nothing, its the C2 add event and add action menu.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Changed screen size in windows and changed it back to what it was original. Open the action window in C2 and it was messed up.

    Observed Result

    Buttons and text are out of place and the buttons (Next, Back and Cancel) doesn't react when pressed, its still possible to double click the System icon.

    Expected Result

    That the C2 UI was working correctly.

    Affected Browsers

    Related to C2

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 sp1 and newest graphic drivers.

    Construct 2 Version ID


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  • Update:

    Resetting the dialogs in C2 under preferences seems to have solved it. However will leave the bug report as it might be worth having a look at.

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