This is a basic thing to add in normal programming, but I can't for the life of me find out how to do it in Construct 2...
Fx. the number 1,000,000,000 looks quite unreadable when displayed as 1000000000...
I'm making a game for which this will eventually be an issue (the user must be able to quickly read and compare very large numbers; billions to trillions to quadrillions etc.).
My current workaround which I'll have to use if I can't display the thousands separator, would be IF-statements;
fx. this (it was faster to just type like this than explain how to drag/drop in Construct 2)...:
if (variable > 999999) { variable = (variable/1000000) & "million" }
Btw. I also thought about counthing the string length for each number, then breaking it apart in to a certain number of variables, then reassembling into one number with my , separator in between... but I certainly hope that there's a more nice solution ^_^