How do I Overlapping Menu

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From the Asset Store
ready made menu you can download this one or just follow my tutorial to make it yourself
  • ello guys!

    I tried to search this but could nt find any thing! Need a Little help! Im making a very simple Menu system!


    PLAY>Intro layout

    HELP>help menu>more functions

    EXIT >exit browser

    I setup the objects on different layers! and controlling them via visible or invisible! But 1 issue im facing is! when I press the Help button! the help menu pop up! Even the Main menu layer is invisible! I can access the main menu buttons via clicking the same place!!

    like the main menu layer is off! and help menu is on! If the click at the spot where Exit button was! my game exits!!

    Anyone have any idea how can i fix this!?

  • Yes, common issue. In my space shooter prototype in my sig I wanted the store to be an invisible/visible layer, not separate layout so I ran into the same issue.

    The way I got around it was to use groups. If you own the personal edition you can put each layers events into their own group (right click event sheet and select "create group", nest events under it). You can then activate/deactivate the group anytime you change menus and they will be turned off/on.

    If you don't own personal... you might be able to use variables to turn them off and on, but it would be very event costly.

  • Yes, common issue. In my space shooter prototype in my sig I wanted the store to be an invisible/visible layer, not separate layout so I ran into the same issue.

    The way I got around it was to use groups. If you own the personal edition you can put each layers events into their own group (right click event sheet and select "create group", nest events under it). You can then activate/deactivate the group anytime you change menus and they will be turned off/on.

    If you don't own personal... you might be able to use variables to turn them off and on, but it would be very event costly.

    thanks for the feed back! Yes Actually I figured it out later when I posted here! I also did the groups and activate and deactivating them fix the issue! But Still I have a strange bug! I have my groups likes

    Main Menu (active on start)

    Help Menu, under help i have for different options!

    Option 1 menu

    Option 2 menu


    If i move my help menu group on top of Main Menu group! it works properly and fixed the overlapping issue! but if the groups are like I wrote above! it causes that very same over lapping issue! well its fixed just by moving the help menu group on top on all!

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  • Construct2 reads from top to bottom through the "code" aka event sheets. So yeah it would activate the first ones it came to unless you took special steps... you could deactivate all of them before they start so it would always activate the right one.

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