How do I Make My Layer Fade Out?

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  • 13 posts
  • Hello!

    I'm trying to make my Title Screen layout fade to black and load another layout. However, it refuses to fade to black. It's very strange that it won't work, because it (fading to black) worked fine on my Loading layout! And the Title Screen layout fades in just fine. It just won't fade out. Something is wrong but I can't see what it is.

    Here's my capx:

    Relevant Event sheet lines:

    FADE (the whole thing)

    Loader Events: Line 3

    Title Events: Line 22, 23, 24

  • Hey Milanbaudelaire!

    There you go. I just adjusted the events you were using in the FADE event sheet for comparing layer opacity...


  • brunopalermo

    Hi there!

    Um, I'm sorry but it doesn't work... it just goes straight from the Loading layout directly to the Foyer layout with no fade in between. The Title layout wasn't shown at all... or am I looking at this wrong, lol

  • brunopalermo

    Hi there!

    Um, I'm sorry but it doesn't work... it just goes straight from the Loading layout directly to the Foyer layout with no fade in between. The Title layout wasn't shown at all... or am I looking at this wrong, lol

    That's weird. It works normally here: screen fades in to title screen, waits for selection, when you select an option and hits ENTER it fades out and shows the next layout...

    EDIT: Sorry. I thought you were talking about the transition between Title Screen and Foyer... Anyway... Fixed it! Now the FadeOut function receives a parameter, the name of the layout it should load after the screen goes black. For instance FadeOut("Title Screen") will fade out to the Title Screen, FadeOut("Foyer") will fade out to the Foyer, etc...

    Here's the capx:

    Cheers... And sorry for the misunderstanding... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • brunopalermo

    I'm running beta release r247, maybe that's why?

    Here is your capx directly as I've downloaded it and run it in Construct 2. If it works on your end, something is definitely being lost in translation, lol

  • brunopalermo

    I'm running beta release r247, maybe that's why?

    Here is your capx directly as I've downloaded it and run it in Construct 2. If it works on your end, something is definitely being lost in translation, lol

    No, no. My bad, I had misunderstood you. Fixed it on the message above... Check the new capx I posted there.

  • brunopalermo






    Thank you soooooo much!! Virtual high-five!

  • brunopalermo

    Hi again! May I ask you one more question?

    It's happening again. I'm trying to test the "game over" screen load, and I wrote the events so that when the character is killed (press k) the layout fades out into the game over screen. I put "Game Over" in the parameters. But it doesn't fade and nothing loads. What am I doing wrong? Whatever mistake I'm making, I'm doing it consistently, lol.

    And as an added problem, I set the events so that when the character is killed he stops accepting movement input from the player. But even with this specified in the events sheet, he's still able to move. Any advice on this?

    Main Event Sheet: Line 12

  • You just forgot to include the FADE event sheet on Main Event Sheet...


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  • Hey Milanbaudelaire!

    Regarding the movement, two things:

    1. Instead of "Start ignoring 8 Direction input" use "Disable 8 Direction". I'm not sure why the first option is not working, but the second works fine. I just tried and it worked like a charm.

    2. For some reason, the subgroups "Is hunted" and "Is not hunted" are not inheriting the state of their parent group (Stapleton Movement). So, instead of deactivating the parent group, just deactivate both children ("Is hunted" and "Is not hunted") and you'll be fine.

    Hope this helps. Cheers!

  • Great!! Thank you!!

  • It worked! Thank you!

    Are you available for a few more questions during the week?

  • I'm always in the forum. But feel free tag me to make sure I'll see a topic or send me a message.

    Glad to help!

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