Intel XDK update

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  • Hi guys,

    Is someone familiar with the new intel XDK update version?

    I don't get it, i was able to build games and play them on my phone but when i now export the game using cordova, and try to upload them in intel XDK i don't get any error but when i want to use the simulator it wont work and when i try to build the game it simply gives an error; "Unable to upload the project files".

    Someone knows how to handle this?


  • Maybe you have a problem uploading your project. Make sure you have latest build C2 (226) and Intel XDK (3088). Export using Cordova and tick the box to use the new Intel XDK project format. In the Intel XDK, you can click "Open an Intel XDK project" in the lower-left corner and open the .xdk file that was exported.

  • Ah wait, i can try. I got the latest Inter XDK but i need a C2 update.

    Thanks, i'll give it a try!

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  • New Intel XDK update 3357

  • Delete your project files and then open up a new project, it should work then. The updates just getting worse for us. Soon Iam going to download an older version of Construct2 so I can use phonegap build it was much simpler but newer construct 2 doesn't work with phonegap build for some reason.

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