If you hud-object is on a layer without paralax it's coordinates will stay the same..
Maybe you can get what you want using these expressions:
CanvasToLayerX(layer, x, y)
CanvasToLayerY(layer, x, y)
Calculate the layout co-ordinates underneath a position in canvas co-ordinates for a given layer.
LayerToCanvasX(layer, x, y)
LayerToCanvasY(layer, x, y)
Calculate the canvas co-ordinates above a position in layout co-ordinates for a given layer.
ya in most spots of the layout these return null or -
bug maybe?
Edit: LittleStain
I think this is a bug but I am using r206 and r211
I removed the ("HUD X: " &) from ("HUD X: " & CanvasToLayerX(0,hud.X,hud.Y)) and it started returning the correct values
Edit2: ok so it must of been something with my project getting the null and -
but these functions still do not return the correct values
they seem to have different offsets depending on where i put my hud in my room
for example
my huds origin is 0,0 on the sprite so I need it to always return 0,0 when my hud is at the top left of the room
LittleStain plz reply