can i make big indie games without writing code?

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  • hi everyone. if i want to make big indie games like "the next penelope" in construct 2 do i need to know to write code (like java)?

    the problem is every time i used the program the motion of the players ,and the camera scrolling was blured. does there a way to solve the problem without write code?

  • You can do much, but you will quickly reach limits.

    If you want to create a big unique game, I think you don't come around javascript.

  • At least You need to understand how system expressions work. I believe many people does not know how to code in native programming language. Learn how to solve the logic behind a mechanic, implement simple maths, dive deeper into graphical beauty, will complement someone crafting an enjoyable game.

    I mean that You build up your way there, collecting pieces of skills to be able forging ultimate wheat pond You always want to create.

  • At least You need to understand how system expressions work. I believe many people does not know how to code in native programming language. Learn how to solve the logic behind a mechanic, implement simple maths, dive deeper into graphical beauty, will complement someone crafting an enjoyable game.

    I mean that You build up your way there, collecting pieces of skills to be able forging ultimate wheat pond You always want to create.


    do you know good tutorial to start?

    why its importent to know all that stuff ? the program do all the job for me.

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  • Depend on subject you want to master. I recommend to open this How do I FAQ section so You can learn off specific subject that came with example.

    When You advancing into more challenging aspect came from the project You working on, make use of expressions came naturally. Such as sorting object that need to be picked at certain condition or adjusting window to dynamically fit moving enemies.

  • Depend on subject you want to master. I recommend to open this section so You can learn off specific subject that came with example.

    When You advancing into more challenging aspect came from the project You working on, make use of expressions came naturally. Such as sorting object that need to be picked at certain condition or adjusting window to dynamically fit moving enemies.

    thanks bro. you helped me alot

  • I guess asking Aurel would be wise, as he did the next penelope, I know for visual effects he had to resort to doing his own ones, for the rest I am not sure.

    However I recommand that you put up on paper how the game should react, how motions should look, etc.. so you will know what to implement cleanly.

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