How do I make a Ball Roll/Rotate when pressing the...

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Simple resize and rotate events for any sprite, quick and easy event sheet that you can use for your own projects.
  • Directional (Left/Right) Buttons? Everything I've tried so far (Rotate Behavior, Physics) doesn't do exactly what I want it to do. I just want the 'Ball/Circle' sprite to start 'Rolling' or 'Rotating' whenever I push Left/Right; and want it to stop when I release the buttons.

    EDIT: It's for a side scroller, similar to the game 'Red Ball'.

  • I'm not sure I'm clear on your question. Would actual rotation (setting the angle) of the sprite work for you needs? Or, do you need an animation (cycling through the sprite sheet) of the sprite rolling while it is moving?

  • I'm not sure I'm clear on your question. Would actual rotation (setting the angle) of the sprite work for you needs? Or, do you need an animation (cycling through the sprite sheet) of the sprite rolling while it is moving?

    Oh no, just to make it 'Roll'...rotate around. As for now, it's just one sprite (a Ball Circle) but in the future it may have multiple sprites.

    Ok. I got it working a bit....I used the Set Angle and the formula (self.Angle + 100*dt).

    Thanks if I have any other questions, I'll post

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