[Plugin] Stats.js

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From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • This is an easy-to-use plugin inspired by the awesome Stats.js. Simply select the parameters that you want to monitor and when you run preview it draws a small window that toggles to show each parameter with a time-history graph.

    Display panel options:

    1. FPS
    2. Frame time ms
    3. Collisions per tick
    4. Polygon checks per tick
    5. Logic time ms (c2 engine)
    6. Physics time ms
    7. Event time ms
    8. Draw call time ms
    9. Video memory used (requires WebGL)
    10. Total memory used
    11. Mouse XY position
    12. Global / Object variables

    Additional features:

    1. Select the on-screen display position
    2. Pause toggle with one user-defined key press
    3. Click display panel to change panel
    4. Toggle through panels with user-defined key press
    5. Editor properties to select/de-select the panels
    6. Event actions to change the graph scales

    This plugin runs quietly in the background and uses less cpu than the c2 debugger, so it might be useful in your project. It detects when it's running inside a c2 preview and will disable itself on export, so you don't need to remember to turn it off... Get it here for free; any donation will go towards coffee and more plugins :).

  • after preview i dont see this monitor, how can i run/show / display this plugin?

  • after preview i dont see this monitor, how can i run/show / display this plugin?

    The plugin will automatically display a stats panel in the corner of the browser window, which might be outside the c2 window depending on your scale settings.

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  • i try run on chrome (letterbox scale and intege) also on nwjs

    and nothing on screen and nothing behind window

  • i try run on chrome (letterbox scale and intege) also on nwjs

    and nothing on screen and nothing behind window

    Confirm that you either dropped the c2addon file into c2 or you unzipped it and added the Stats folder to your plugins folder? If you dropped the c2addon, go to C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Construct2\plugins folder and confirm that the Stats folder is there. Otherwise I cannot help you.

  • i drag and drop addon file to layout and click install plugin

  • i drag and drop addon file to layout and click install plugin

    Did you check the folder like I described?

  • all files are in plugins folder in Construct 2 directory

  • delgado, then I cannot help you. If the stats plugin is in the plugin folder in c2 directory then you must have unzipped and put it there (drag-drop c2addon places the plugin in a different folder). You also need to restart c2 after the installation. Perhaps the files are corrupt - try another download, clear out the plugin file and replace it - see if that works. If this doesn't work then there is nothing I can do.

  • I am working on an update that will allow for viewing of selected object and/or global variables. One of the display panels will be modified to display all of the variables in a list format; the number of variables will be limited by screen size... More to follow in the next few days.

  • v1.01

    New Actions:

    Add global variables

    Add object variables

    Some code tidying.

    All variables are displayed on one panel.

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