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C3 Version:

Overlay breaks with letterbox projects because the browser does not update the area outside of the game. To fix that, we need to force the browser to render the whole thing again.

It has a few actions and properties.


Redraw browser window: Redraws once

Redraw browser period: This will start a render loop that stops after X seconds

Activate constant redraw: This will start a render loop that won't stop on its own

Deactivate constant redraw: This will stop whatever render loop has been started

Set redraw wait: This sets the number of frames to wait between each render (when a render loop is active)


Redraw Wait: The number of frames to wait between each render (when a render loop is active)

Auto Redraw: Automatically start a render loop.

Basically, when a render loop is active, this is what it does:

- Set Body opacity to 0.999

- Wait for one frame

- Set Body opacity to 1

- Stop if render loop needs to stop

- Wait for X frames

- Start over again