High scores screen that takes names and saves them

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  • Perfect! Thank you my friend.👍

    • Happy you found it useful!

      • is there any way to make the same saved high scores viewable to all?

        Like a classic arcade where you try to beat the last players score.

        This version only shows me my scores but my other players online only see the default scores.

        I'm hosted on Netlify for ease of use. not sure how to setup online viewable score from each player who enters a score.

        • Unfortunately, I do not know how to make high scores for online/global use. Local storage stores data locally; only on the current device. I'll update the description to make sure that's clear.

          When looking at other tutorials, they mention having to use extra APIs or plugins (example: construct.net/en/tutorials/integrating-leaderboards-204). Hopefully, Netlify has some documentation you can refer to.

          • no confusion, it was loud and clear. I was just hoping you knew a way since so many of my users like this one. I just kept getting request for online scores and wanted to see if can be done. Thanks again buddy. Still a very helpful tutorial.