WindowsServer2008 does not work because initialize Direct

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • When you try to run the application fails with the following:

    "Construct encoutered an error in the display engine. Please report this problem to the application developer.

    Failed to initialise Direct3D 9!"

    The presumable reason:

    How to disable Eye Distance so as not disappeared objects located in the application?

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  • How does the eye distance have anything to do with the crash? Did it start crashing after setting it to 0? Eye distance is mainly for 3d objects and objects with ZElevation. Why do you want to disable it? If it's perspective you want to disable you can do it with the system action "set projection mode".

  • Did it start crashing after setting it to 0?


    Why do you want to disable it?

    There is no graphics card on the server. This is the presumable cause of the error.

    If it's perspective you want to disable you can do it with the system action "set projection mode".

    In more detail? How to find "set projection mode"?

  • Well you can't really disable it. The most you can do is change the "runtime" property (below the eye distance property) from direct-X9 to application. But then the game will have no graphics at all.

    Also if the server has a display then it has a graphics card. It sounds more like you need to install directx or something.

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