What should I avoid for now?

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  • Well, against common advice, I have 2 major projects planned for Construct and I'd rather get started with them now while I'm excited instead of wait a few months/years and lose steam. Also, most game design components can't be done without a bit of programming first and the art sometimes can't be done without the engine and so, yeah.

    If possible, I want to build up the engine first; everything else can be done outside Construct. Which components of Construct are particularly buggy and/or prone to change? Are there any behaviours, objects, effects, or features I should avoid?

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  • Can only say what i avoid ...

    the do nots ...

    Use the picture editor to do graphic work. U need it to import and to set image points.

    Delete the object holding a the first loaded sprite. Feels to me like all the other object sharing that sprite, refer to this base one. And deleting the first one feels buggy. Spared me a lot of crashes.

    Copy layouts, move layouts, change the events sheets coupled to a layout. Dont.

    Delete private variables, change private variables text/number.

    Delete image points.

    Make triggers and conditions in 1 event. The triggers should be always on top of the tree, the conditions should be sub events.

    If you access private variables using families, make sure the private variables are at the same position in each object.

    Copy objects between layouts.

    Undo on switches in the layout editor. With switches i mean things that are there or not. Like bringing back a deleted behavior. Undo a deleted object. Undo deletion of a variable. Undo deleting/adding.

    Copy and object to another layer, and delete the original object.

    Change layouts in an event with a zero time.

    Leave 's p a c e s' in objects names, layer names, even behavior names.

    Now if you track all this back to what all this has in common. Then you will notice most is about The events not updating with changing objects in the layouts. Or the other way.

    To see this work.

    Change an objects name in the layout editor, go to the events editor, and see the name is changed there too.

    In other words, the events sheet updates towards changes made in the layout editor.

    In some situations this dont happen. And that will be a crash.

    And i think, besides the upcoming bug reports about last release, thats about it to be CAREFULLY with. Since last release construct seems very stable.

    I say: go ahead. But accept that events and actions still can change. Meaning, a events sheet could still be not compatible with a next release.

    Have fun.

  • Delete the object holding a the first loaded sprite. Feels to me like all the other object sharing that sprite, refer to this base one. And deleting the first one feels buggy. Spared me a lot of crashes.

    This used to be the case, but a new system ensures that this should not be a problem.

    Make triggers and conditions in 1 event. The triggers should be always on top of the tree, the conditions should be sub events.

    Is there any particular reasoning for this? It's fair enough if you want to do a 'switch/case' style event, with multiple subevents, but otherwise it'd be rather convoluted.

    Leave 's p a c e s' in objects names, layer names, even behavior names.

    This is unintended, if you find a way to put spaces into names then post it as a bug, it shouldn't be possible.

    Overall I'd say that currently - in this build - the Picture Editor is fairly buggy (though this will be reverted for 0.96.2), that there are some problems undoing certain things, and that there's issues when moving/deleting alot of private variables, layouts, etc. These will all be adressed soon though.

  • -- triggers/conditions

    try a this.

    System: 3 While

    MouseKeyboard: 4 Key Space is down

    BoxSet Y to .y + 1

    -- spaces

    Add a 8 Directions to an object.

    Use one of the behaviors properties in an expression.

    Thats spaces in an expression, and this will give problems at one point

    And! you are allowed to rename the behavior to a name containing spaces.

    But i see we agree in the rest. And since you are The Expert. Ha! You even know the source code. I am very happy that we came to almost the same conclusion, me only based on what i experience playing with construct. : )

  • Hmm.. true, I find most of the bugs seem to happen when copying or with the image editor. I just downloaded the new version of Construct and I found at least 3 bugs yesterday. I uninstalled it, used 0.95, and none of the bugs were there. Time to make quite a few bug reports

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