Help with Image Points

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • I am having some problems with image points.

    I am making a zombie shooter that makes fun of zombie shooters in general, and it will have a funny campaign mode where the game will be 'leaked' and have all of the terror of the internet swarm in and n00b up the place, and alongside it will be multiple jokes, along with some inside jokes and some somewhat-inside jokes for my friends.

    The problem is that I made a larger layout, because larger layouts are the thing these days, and I noticed the bullet spawned when shot is near the bottom right of the screen. This does not happen inside the 031a.exe but in the cap where I was working on it. I have NO idea where to start, so if you guys could help me, that would be great! ...

    And, no, Enable Scripting is not on this time, Rojohound...

    EDIT: The layout name is "Larger Map". Click "Run LAyout" while you are on it to get my problem. Just wanted to say that just in case.

  • I don't know if this was the fix you were hoping for, but I changed it to spawn on Layer 1 (where Player is set) and it worked fine.

    I'm still new to Construct, but I think you're telling it to spawn on Layer 3 and since it can't find Player there, it's just spawning in random areas of the layer. You can move around and the spawn point changes with you.

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  • I don't know if this was the fix you were hoping for, but I changed it to spawn on Layer 1 (where Player is set) and it worked fine.

    I'm still new to Construct, but I think you're telling it to spawn on Layer 3 and since it can't find Player there, it's just spawning in random areas of the layer. You can move around and the spawn point changes with you.

    Ugh, I was trying to make the bullets brighter by putting it on the Lightmap layer, but it didn't work, and I forgot to put it back. :


  • No problem. I suggest trying a brighter color or moving Player if you still want bullets to be brighter.

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