BMX racing - Feedback request early stages

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75 vehicle sound effects, from real looping car engines to jet aircraft and sci-fi engines.
  • Hi,

    I wanted to start progressing my BMX game again now that exporters seem to be able to handle the physics better. (My final intended platform will be Android).

    Feedback of the gameplay / visual style would be appreciated in the early stages while I am progressing. The latest version of the game can be played online on this link:

    I started with a 'flat' 2d feel, then went to a 3d feel and have now decided to go back to the flat 2d feel. It is easier to create and alter the track pieces. It also just felt more fun. (The older 3D attempt can still be played at

    In terms of controls currently there are two ways to play.

    On the PC you can use arrow keys to move and lean. Z and X then let you wheelie and bunnyhop.

    On a phone you can use the touch buttons (These also work on a PC if you have a touch tablet etc..) The smaller left yellow button is wheelie, smaller right red button is bunnyhop.

    Pressing pedal or brake in the air helps you lean (Think MX Giro effect).

    The 5 colour squares will also change the quality settings to help it run smoother on older phones.

    I am currently porting over the game from C2 physics to Chipmunk. I am hoping this will give me some better options and also allow it to run smooth on mobiles. My next stage will be to develop the controls more. I plan to make the bunnyhop more useful / realistic and also improve the wheelie. I did look at tilt rotation but found it hard to get a nice feeling. I might have another try but if its too time consuming I'll probably stick with the current tilt method.

    I'll throw together some more tracks for testing over the next few days.


  • Put a button to start fast, stay waiting for 5 every time to start playing gets annoying.

  • guimaraf thanks for the feedback. I've removed the ok riders.... watch the lights' and just made it a short pause and light sequence now.

  • Ha ha, man! I was having fun since 10 minutes by just trying a backflip transfert.

    And I did it, after 10 tries. I really like those kind of games where you hardly Die & Try, and get so excited about doing successfull transferts.

    Well, I think it's already a very good start. Physics is good, I'd love to be able to test more map.

    Congrats! ????

  • As routes are good, but is not registering the record, which is quite possible to implement.

    Missing the end of the routes, put an option to return to the menu.

  • As routes are good, but is not registering the record, which is quite possible to implement.

    Missing the end of the routes, put an option to return to the menu.

    I've updated the main game version to make sure the lap timer works fully now. Just one track at the moment but I'll make some more soon for testing and have a simple title menu to choose. Once I develop the basic physics more I will add a high score board for lap times. Hopefully I can learn Google play leader board for Android version.

    Ha ha, man! I was having fun since 10 minutes by just trying a backflip transfert.

    And I did it, after 10 tries. I really like those kind of games where you hardly Die & Try, and get so excited about doing successfull transferts.

    Well, I think it's already a very good start. Physics is good, I'd love to be able to test more map.

    Congrats! ????

    Glad you Enjoyed it. I do actually plan a backflip mini game once I've sorted the racing. I was thinking a Cool boarders 2 style way where you hold to prepare for a flip. The longer the faster you spin. I was going to keep it hard though so you need to learn the perfect timing for single / double flips etc... Get it wrong and you land on your head! I did also make it do C on the keyboard does a no hander but you cannot land one yet =P It's still entertaining though

  • Haha, yeah! I was such a huge fan of Cool Boarders game. From 2nd to 4th version.

    Yep, do it! And maybe I go too crazy here, but imagine how fun could be a backflip no hander! 🤓 God, yes! 😝

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  • Bug?

  • Bug?

    Looks like a bug. How did it happen? I know the buttons at the top that effect the graphics can go funny when restating. I need to change how I handle that as it changes the game scale to a lower res but seems to go zoomed in or out sometimes.

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