Texture atlases ?

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  • Hi everyone,

    I'm working on a commercial project at the moment with construct 2, and me and my associate would like to optimize the game as much as we can, as right now it is a bit too slow on retina resolution, on iphone 4. I've searched on the forums but couldn't find much about optimized atlases.

    I know that construct 2 takes care of some graphic optimization at build time, but I'd like to know if there is already someone working on handling tight, custom atlases ? It permits huge memory gains and little to no overhead memory cost for non pow� assets, which is very important on low end devices.

    We're using shoebox as a tool for that kind of stuff (bitmap fonts, psd splits and other stuff like that too - it's very powerfull and free) ->

    Shoebox link

  • Im afraid you're just wasting your time looking for unnecessary tools.

    Take a look inside the folders from your export, and take a look at this.

    There are several other blog posts along the same lines.

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  • See Construct 2's export-time optimisations. We already do texture atlas packing on export along with a number of other optimisations.

  • Thanks guys. I had skipped the atlas part in your article Ashley. <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    EDIT 2 : made some changes to our project, yeah actually forget my first post, I had a leak on an old character sprite.

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