Some questions about C2

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  • Hello forum!

    i am about to buy C2 but i need some answers first :P

    1. I only knowed MMF2's image editor first and it worked very well to draw

    simple sprites and animations with the 1 Pixel brush.

    i mean you can "pixel" your sprites but in C2 i cant pixel them the image editor reminds me of MS Paint :( ONLY when i resize the sprite to 16x16 i can pixel with 1 pixel and 100 hardness. But then the game looks like someone would put a blur filter on it its way too blew up :(

    2. is there a way to export windows exe files in a standalone version ?

    Thanks guys ! :)

  • For #1, I wouldn't use the build in editor to create sprites. Create them in an external program like GIMP, Photoship, etc.

    2. Yes, using the Node-Webkit export allows you to create standalone apps for Windows and Mac destkop.

  • For #1, I wouldn't use the build in editor to create sprites. Create them in an external program like GIMP, Photoship, etc.

    Yeah i could but i liked the editor in C2 much but theres only that thing what is annoying me :( why are my sprites so blured ?

    2. Yes, using the Node-Webkit export allows you to create standalone apps for Windows and Mac destkop.

    it does not look so , there are alot dlls and stuff the exe needs :O

  • 1. If you apply Pixel Rounding and Point Sampling on your project you should be able to resize without blurring. Keep in mind that C2's image editor is very basic, there are a variety of other dedicated tools out there that can do pixel art a lot better, which C2 can import very easily.

    2. Node-webkit is a Chrome wrapper that acts like an exe. This comes with the paid version of C2.

  • 1. If you apply Pixel Rounding and Point Sampling on your project you should be able to resize without blurring. Keep in mind that C2's image editor is very basic, there are a variety of other dedicated tools out there that can do pixel art a lot better, which C2 can import very easily.

    well thank you for that information gonna check this out tomorrow at school <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Also , what do you mean a chrome wrapper ? i will need chrome to start the exes ?

  • Oh i forgot to ask if theres a option to enable something like a GRID mode or smth in the Layout editor .

    I mean to snap tiles ?

  • <img src="" border="0" />

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  • By a wrapper, I mean the 'guts' of the software is basically Chrome running your game, so performance will be like running the game in Chrome. However, to the user it looks just like a standalone exe.

  • The export to EXE is only in the paid version and uses node-webkit which basically takes your game and wraps it in a chromebrowser object. This allows it to work on Windows regardless of which browser you have installed as it basically embeds a browser in the EXE.

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