Ignore webGL shader effect in editor?

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  • This might be a really stupid question, but I can't find any record of it being asked before.

    I applied a webGL shader to my layer, but now I can't see anything properly in the editor! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Is there a way to ignore shaders in the editor? I'm applying a bulge effect to my main layer and the effect means that now when selecting a sprite I actually have to click about 20 pixels away from where it actually is. It's a little confusing.

  • Turn the "amount" of bulge to 0 while editing stuff. I'm not sure if bulge actually has that but I'm guessing it does.

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  • I've been meaning to add an enable/disable shader preview option, but in the mean time just turn WebGL off in project properties and the editor updates accordingly.

  • Oh brilliant, I'll give that a shot. Thanks Ashley.

  • Is there an update on that "enable/disable effects" feature you were talking about, Ashley?

    I mean, turning off WebGL did the trick, but I was hoping for something that would turn off effects only in the editor.

  • I've been meaning to add an enable/disable shader preview option, but in the mean time just turn WebGL off in project properties and the editor updates accordingly.

    Any updates on this?

  • Zebbi


    The properties for a project can be edited in the Properties Bar after selecting the name of the project in the Project Bar, or using the Project Properties shortcut in Layout Properties.

    Preview effects

    Whether or not to display effects and blend modes in the Layout View. If enabled, WebGL must also be enabled for the effects to appear. If disabled, WebGL effects are not rendered in the editor, and all objects are drawn as if they have Normal blend mode.

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