How do I test IAP on iPhone before submitting for review?

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  • I have a game that I created for iPhone. In the starting layout at start of layout I add the product id and then request a store listing. Then I have a button on the home screen layout that purchases the product. I export and open in Intel xdk then upload with application loader. I have set up an in app purchase on the app in iTunes connect with the same I'd. I then tick it to test using test flight and use the test flight app on my phone. The problem is that when I hit the purchase button I get an error that says: "IAP Error (only reported in test mode): Trying to purchase an unknown product. (code: 4983500)"

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  • I recommend trying it using CocoonJS first, They have a cloud compiler that is easy to use and free. From there you can make an XCode file and then through xCode you can test it on your device.

  • I recommend trying it using CocoonJS first, They have a cloud compiler that is easy to use and free. From there you can make an XCode file and then through xCode you can test it on your device.

    Well I shouldn't be having any problems but I even put in something to notify me when it successfully requests the store listing or if It fails to get the store listing but I am not getting notified of either?

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