How do I set effect parameter to layout EXCEPT X layer?

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High quality sound effect pack, in the following categories: click, coin, damage, fail, jump, level up,message, shot
  • I got 30+ layers in my game, i want to set an effect parameter change every X seconds depending on some conditions.

    The problem is, i dont want that effect to affect the UI layers.

    I dont want to pick every single layers and tell it to change the effect, it's too tedious to do...

    Is there a way to tell the game to take all the layers except one or few of them?


  • anyone?

  • bump v2

  • bump v2.1 (beta version)

  • nobody?

  • If you apply an effect on the layout level, I don't think that there is a way to exclude any layer from it. C2 probably applies the effect after it renders all the layers.

  • oh, so i should apply it to every layer singularly, aside those 2 ones i dont need to apply it to. Damn!

  • It seems like it. Of course that will have accumulative impact on the system resources. It will be x layers times more processing intensive than before. What kind of effect you're want to apply?

  • color vibrance, the problem here is the UI which i would like to not be influenced by the effect, but it seems like i'll leave it that way.

  • I've devised a solution, provided that the UI layer is the top-most layer.

    What you need to do is to put an empty layer bellow the UI layer that will act as an Adjustment Layer in After Effects: it will affect every thing bellow. The way it works is to add to it the experimental "water background" effect as the first effect on that layer, and any effect you want to apply to all the layers bellow after that. The water background will force the effects to the layers bellow but it won't apply any watery distortions if the layer is empty.

    I've attached a capx file to see what I mean.

  • I've devised a solution, provided that the UI layer is the top-most layer.

    What you need to do is to put an empty layer bellow the UI layer that will act as an Adjustment Layer in After Effects: it will affect every thing bellow. The way it works is to add to it the experimental "water background" effect as the first effect on that layer, and any effect you want to apply to all the layers bellow after that. The water background will force the effects to the layers bellow but it won't apply any watery distortions if the layer is empty.

    I've attached a capx file to see what I mean.

    I missed this reply last month, it worked!! thank you very much!

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