How do I...Make AdMob C2 Proj Reflect 'Vanilla' Android $?

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  • Hello all,

    I have two apps in Google Play:

    App 1 was made using Eclipse and regular old Java. I added an AdMob interstitial advert on every 10th 'click' of a button.

    App 2 was made using C2. I added an AdMob interstitial advert on every 10th 'click' of a button.

    Same type of app but with the only difference being one was made using Eclipse and one using C2

    As you can see from the screenshot, the top app (Eclipse version) out monetizes the second app (C2). Given the amount of ads served per app, you'd expect the C2 app to generate approx. half of the Eclipse app; around $4. So the revenue is way off for ads served in the C2 app.

    Any ideas? Anybody else seen this?



  • Earning are based on how many people click your ad from what i understand so most likely people just haven't clicked the ad as much on the c2 app

  • I understand that but all being equal, the follow thru clicks should be similar per 100 clicks.

    I'm wondering if C2 shows the same ad over and over again. Some issue like that.

  • No I also use Ads and it will refresh ad. Follow thru might not be similar just based on who downloaded your app.

    Btw imm not trying to be rude, but you dont have a badge by your name. Do you have a license? if not I dont think you suppose to be earning money with C2

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  • No I also use Ads and it will refresh ad. Follow thru might not be similar just based on who downloaded your app.

    Btw imm not trying to be rude, but you dont have a badge by your name. Do you have a license? if not I dont think you suppose to be earning money with C2

    No rudeness taken The creators should be rewarded for their hard work.

    I actually bought the package with 'Spriter' in the 33% sale though I never got the icon assigned. Is it automatic? Who doesn't love a medal?

  • Yeah it's automatic, but if since it's not showing i'd contact their support email and they will fix it

    Edit form their contact page "Please email along with your transaction ID and username (if you have them) where we will be more than happy to help you with any problems you experience."

  • Thanks!

  • Thanks again - medal awarded

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