How do I indexing same type sprites

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  • Hello everyone. I'm newbee. And I try to do simple apps. In my last 'game' I need to do a lot of similar actions. Please, help, can I somehow optimize it (i need to hold on to 64 numberMouse)?

    I'm not sure that there families can help me, because there I need a hard link between indexing and global variable.

    And the second question. Can I insert on layot a lot of sprites by one click and add them behavior? Becase now i need for every sprite do several boring action like open the folder in which they are contained and add behavior(pin).

    Ps Sry for my English btw.

  • Can I do construction like this?

    if (numberMouse == k) {

    array[k - 1] set invisible;

    array[k] set visible;


    If yes, so.. how is it possible?

  • Any ideas? Please

  • Is there a special reason why you are using seperate objects for each truck instead of using instances?

    You can just copy (or clone) the object in the editor if that's what you are looking for?

    I would recommend doing beginners tutorials, because they explain some of the basics of creating games with Construct2..

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  • Any ideas? Please

    You can use IID to Index them.

    IID is an index identifier of a same type of sprite and it is also in chronological order. That means if I create a new sprite, the first sprite becomes IID = 0 and if I create another, the new one will have the IID = 1. IID's are zero-based, so IID's will start at 0 index.

  • Hello everyone. I'm newbee. And I try to do simple apps. In my last 'game' I need to do a lot of similar actions. Please, help, can I somehow optimize it (i need to hold on to 64 numberMouse)?

    I think making duplicate sprites like this is very inefficient if you can just separate each one by UID's or IID's or even Instance Variables.

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