How do I Export to CocoonJS now the exporter is gone?!

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  • 6 posts
  • So in the latest update, the CocoonJS exporter has been depreciated.

    What do I do if I still want to use CocoonJS?

  • When you click 'Export', press the right mouse and select 'Show Deprecated Exporters'.

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  • Ahh brilliant thank you. Do you know why it was depreciated?

  • Not that stable, not compatible with c2 memory management, not fully compatible wit some of c2 basic features, conflicts between scirra and ludei that finally lead to have the community itself take care of the plugin since ludei did not enough work from their side, better exporter for android, phonegap that will take the lead at the end for both iOS and Android, the surprising popularity of cocoonjs despite the fact it is kind of unstable, that updates of cocoonjs tended to be plain broken, and that scirra had to endure the support to their user since they were proposing it.

    Now scirra will not have to take responsability if it is broken once again for a long time period.

    I think that sums up it partially.

  • Not that stable, not compatible with c2 memory management, not fully compatible wit some of c2 basic features, conflicts between scirra and ludei that finally lead to have the community itself take care of the plugin since ludei did not enough work from their side, better exporter for android, phonegap that will take the lead at the end for both iOS and Android, the surprising popularity of cocoonjs despite the fact it is kind of unstable, that updates of cocoonjs tended to be plain broken, and that scirra had to endure the support to their user since they were proposing it.

    Now scirra will not have to take responsability if it is broken once again for a long time period.

    I think that sums up it partially.

    Ahh I understand. I've heard of phonegap before but never really looked into it. I just had a quick glance now and a) it seems to be a paid service, and b) appears to not come with advert integration build in.

    Is it really that much better than Cocoon?

  • Phonegap will be nice with ios8 and android L, not before, for now, we have to rely on crosswalk, cocoonjs (still working), and ejecta

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