Google Play services

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  • I'm trying to set up google play services. I followed the tutorial, and I'm able to successfully log in users, but there's an issue with changing users. I'll try to explain:

    1. If you're not logged in at all, and you click the login button, it will pop up the google login window and this will work fine.

    2. if you've logged in before, it will automatically log you in.

    Ok so far so good

    3. If you click log-out C2 seems to think it worked, but then, if I click log-in button again to try to change users, the login window that pops up is either blank (in IE) or quickly auto-closes (Chrome).

    4. Even after logging out, if I refresh the game preview, it will auto log-in as the person who logged in last

    How can I get the log-out function to work so that new users may log in? The ONLY way I have found to do it so far is to go to a different google website and logout from there, then and only then can a user change in my game.

    If any additional info is required let me know.

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    Anyone use the Google Play plugin who can help?

    Apparently all I can seem to do is log in, not submit any scores / achievements, etc.

    The game is in 'Ready to Publish' (but not published) stage in the google play dev console.

    I log in with my tester accounts to try to submit scores or retrieve various information, none of that works, even though the plugin reports it as successful (the success trigger triggers)

    I've added the correct client ID, App ID, and Secret

    For credentials in the dev console, I have both localhost and localhost:50000 in both the 'origins' and the 'redirect' boxes. I'm trying to use the preview obviously to do the testing which is why I have those.

    I wait for the plugin to finish loading before anything else happens (all other events are in a disabled group that only becomes enabled when Is Loaded returns true)

    Anyone who has successfully used the GooglePlay plugin and can help would be appreciated

  • This seems to have resolved itself. Today, scores I had tried to previously submit yesterday appeared on the leaderboards on their own, and I can now submit and retrieve additional information. I changed nothing so I guess maybe something on google's end.

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  • Hi,

    I recommend the free plugin from cranberrygame to insert Google Play Game Service into your game. You find the tutorial and the download link here: ... amecenter/

    If you also need help with the events and actions you can check out our 'Game Template 4 - Admob + IAP' at the scirra store.

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