scroll on android

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  • hello, (excuse my english)

    on android with chrome and other the scrolling expansion and horyzontal and vertical scrolling no longer works with the new version of construct2 (r.132).

    the first link test exported page with old version of construct 2.

    (scroll works)

    the second link test exported page with new version of construct 2 release 132 (scroll not works).

    the 2 pages exported with no fullscreen and yes scroll bar, all the same parameter for export.

    see the code link is changed between the two version and scrolling expansion with the touch for zoom + or - not works.

    Why ?

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  • Can't reproduce.

    Both are working the same for me in firefox for android.

    Also your second application has quite a different resolution than the first one, that's something you might want to look into.

  • I've changed the link in the first post it's the same project in 2 version of construct.

    with chrome in the first the sroll with the finger on the canvas can zoom and scroll but on the second with the last version r132 not work (tested on mobile with screen 5" android).

    I just tested on mozilla it is the same thing.

  • In a previous version C2 there were "scale" whithout "inner" and "outer"

    and it allowed the zooming and scrolling on touch the canvas and resizing was cleaner than now.

    Now when I turn the phone resizing is bad.

    and why if I export in fullscreen "off" zooming and scrolling does not work (firefox and chrome).

  • An idea ?

  • I tested several times and I replaced the html page between two versions.

    this is not the html page that prevents the scroll but surely js. generated.

    the problem for a mobile page is that if we choose fullscreen off we no longer can scroll to see the rest of the site (canvas).

    if I activate a style overflow: scroll that appears at the beginning and when the finished canvas to load the style is replaced by what must be in the js generated by C2..

    We're stuck with a piece of site without scrollbar and zoom.

  • I've tried your two links again.

    The first link do work as intended in firefox for mobile. (it's possible to scroll vertically and horizontally).

    The second link indeed is "fixed" and can't be scrolled around.

    You talk about a "piece of site", I hope you're aware C2 isn't meant to be used as a tool for website design. It is and stays a game maker tool.

    As a "workaround" have you tried to set the layout property "unbound scrolling" from No to Yes ?

    This might help with the scrolling.

  • I tested with "" unbound scrolling: yes "it does not work.

    you say it is a "game maker" yes but we can export to a browser in html5.

    on the export window is write "users can play a game in a browser" but if you can not scroll we see not the bottom of the game on the small screen.

    With a banner that is even worse.

    it is a problem to make a web page with a game and a description and banner ad for example on tablet and smartphone.

    I even tried changing the css style but it does not work it must be in the code generated by construct in canvas. so I do not have a solution to share this post or wait for updated c2.

    I put the r119 vertical and horizontal scroll function works.

    Why since the inner and outer scale it does not work ?

    is this going to work again?

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