Content tagged variable

A symbolic name associated with a value and whose associated value may be changed.

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How do I round a variable?
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How can I round a variable in the event sheet? I've tried using ceil(), floor(), and round(), and none of them work. For context, I have the variable Basic_Cost...

posted 2 years ago
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Function behaves strange?
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I want to turn my login events into a function because I want to add multiple ways of signing in. For example by button click, by pressing enter etc. And I just...

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I have been humming along using instance variables and have found that in order to set a random # I have to put the setting bit of it as a global variable but i...

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Hey there. I attempted to make a very simple dialogue system where should I reach past the maximum available data in an array, the text will automatically becom...

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I have a bunch of skins in a game I am making, and each skin has a global variable to check if it is unlocked or not (Example: BallSkin1, BallSkin2, etc. 0 mean...

posted 2 years ago
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Compare variable when collision
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I have variable on object, then when collision I will compare that. The object name is Bullet and the variable is pierce with value 0. But when I try to compare...

posted 1 years ago
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Let me know if this is possible
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I'm trying to make a booster pack for a card game. I need to make it to where the game remembers what I pulled. I was trying to have it to where all the objects...

posted 1 years ago
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How do I fix this code?
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No seriously, what am I doing wrong, I feel like this should work to make it all loop until it finds a result but it's simply just not, it's just playing throug...

posted 1 years ago
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I.E. If I wanted to make 8 variables a random number between 1 and 30 but I can't allow them to be the same number.

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In my game I'm using multiple arrays and I want to have them all processed with a single function. Here's hat I have for example : I have to process arrays name...

posted 1 years ago

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