Content tagged save-game

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Music stops after loading a Save state
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I don't know what's happening, maybe I had not realized it in other projects but every time I load a state, the music stops. And I don't know why, I mean. The m...

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How do I work with Steam Cloud + Local Storage?
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How do I manage the Steam Cloud, using Local Storage on my game? (to be more specific, where's the save data path of C3 Local Storage?). I thought that the loca...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I save my game ?
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How can I save all the game coins and gems that player has already purchased ? When the player change his device or reinstall the game. Do you have any informat...

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In my game player buys car but it doesn't saved! Actually I used a global varibual and local storage but it dose not work😥😥😥. I save coins and levels by two...

posted 3 years ago
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Dictionary vs global variables
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For my savegame I will most likely use a dictionary to json on local storage. I will need to save about 20-50 variables/values. Now I'm thinking whether I shoul...

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How to use local storage properly in turn-based game?
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I'm making turn based game. There's a game field where player move objects every turn. Every turn I save whole game field as json in local storage. How to use l...

posted 3 years ago
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Is there any good examples or maybe someone could say how to protect local storage from damaging? I don't mean I had any issues but most PC games says "don't tu...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I override a saved value?
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I have published my game in the Play store. I'm using the "save game" feature to store the game state between plays. The problem is that I have a global variabl...

posted 3 years ago
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I would like my players to be able to import and export savegames that I created using localstorage or a dictonary which will then be saved in local storage. Fo...

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How do I save and load audio on runtime?
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I want the user to be able to select an audio file (ogg) from his local drive. Then saving the game and replay the audio file the next time the user opens the g...